Saturday, November 14, 2009

Could Simon Cowell Do The X-Factor For Climate Change ?

Free thinking people in this country have long observed how New Labour has infantilised large sections of the public, who apparently now favour baby-faced politicians like David Cameron and Nick Clegg. Indeed, if anyone doubts that infantile politics are confined to the present government, they should listen to the latest edition of "Any Questions" where Mr Conservative Home refers to the importance of financial support for the struggling parents of babies and toddlers, as these early years are the most important in human life.

Frankly, it is precisely this kind of daftness which encourages people patently unsuited to parenthood to procreate in the first place, thereby adding to unsustainable population growth. This, rather than infrastructural issues, I would suggest, is the overriding challenge in the context of climate change. Put another way, the widespread availability and encouragement, through financial and other incentives, of the contraceptive "male pill" may be the most effective way of curbing population growth, and thereby reducing human pressures on the environment.

Moreover, it strikes me that Mr Simon Cowell who has remarked upon the tendency of the alpha male - and even the non-alpha one - to have multiple partners and offspring, may be right the man to front such a programme, and to show the nation that it's a sign of success to have 1 or 2 children, who are properly looked after, or even none at at all, where parenthood is likely to prove problematic. I suggest this because it seems to me that the onus for family planning, in this country and elsewhere, needs to be placed much more firmly upon the adult male of the species....if he still exists that is !

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