Thursday, June 04, 2009

On Re-Naming the She-Shanty

Travelling back to Worcester from Birmingham on the train the other week, I fell into a conversation with two gentlemen, who reminded me a little of a couple of Bird and Fortune characters. After discussing the "Enlightenment Enterprise" of Matthew Boulton*, also called "The Father of Birmingham", our talk turned to contemporary politics.

One of the gentlemen was a lawyer, with an obviously keen interest in politics. He suggested to me that that New Labour has a "split-personality", with the key ideological fight taking place between the "Centralists", led by Ed Balls, and the "Localists", led by Hazel Blears.

Returning to events of this week, and my post of yesterday, I wonder whether the "Nancy Lee" (see below) should be re-named the "Hazel Blears" or

On reflection, perhaps the ship,
After She who steers,
Should be re-named,
the "Hazel Blears",
"Rocking the Boat"**
With Her own waves :
"YouTube if you want to....***
....The Lady's not for turning"****
But then it all ends in tears !*****

* There is an excellent programme of events in Birmingham over the Summer to commemorate the bi-centenary of Boulton's death
* Hazel wore a brooch emblazoned with these words after her resignation from government
*** As Hazel said of Gordon and his gang : those of us who hail from the North West of England, never under-estimate the power of the Manchester Mafia to influence national events
**** As Margaret Thatcher told the men of her day
***** Hazel's subsequent recantation to the Manchester Evening News

Please see also - Gender Politics & New Labour's Undressing

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