Monday, September 28, 2009


Having been quite unwell over the Summer myself - with an illness for which Swine Flu seems to have been in part the catalyst - I have some rare sympathy for Gordon Brown, if reports of his need for pain killers and anti-depressants are true, and, indeed, it they are not. For I also happen to disapprove of the over-prescribing of legal drugs, of which the recent sad death of Michael Jackson is a cautionary tale.

Therefore, notwithstanding my considerable discomfort, I was actually glad to have a taste of my own medicine when refused drugs on the grounds that these might make the condition worse. I am now largely recovered, and, I have to say, the Pantomime of the New Labour Conference seems to be just what the doctor should have ordered to cheer me up !

Enter the gloriously camp Peter Mandelson with his description of Conservative Party Leader David Cameron as a "flibbertigibbet" ("A silly, scatterbrained, or garrulous person" for those of you who didn't know). What a wonderfully appropriate term for the Pantomime Dame himself : aka former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. Might I suggest that "Flibbertigibbet" would be an excellent name for Mr Prescott's much-hailed blog !

Returning to serious matters, I strongly suspect that 12 years of New Labour Misrule has also been a contributory factor in my own recent disposition. Therefore, I'm going to suggest to Mr Brown and his colleagues that the well-being of us all - socially inclusive, that is - should improve once they leave office. Physicians Heal Thyselves & Things Can Only Get Better !

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