Thursday, January 07, 2010


The Former US & UK Defence Secretaries
For some time I've been reflecting on another E-Pantomime called "New Special Relationships" whose synopsis runs something like this ....
The British Commonwealth and the Commonwealth of Independent States (ie former Soviet Union countries) have merged to form an Anglo-Russian Commonwealth (ARC), whose prime minister is Boris Johnson. Vladimir Putin has been declared the "New Tsar", and the old British royal family have been exiled to Australia. Peter Mandelson has entered into a civil partnership with a Russian oligarch, and Ken Livingstone is the new Mayor of Moscow...

In the meantime, Gordon Brown has invoked "A New Cold War" - Good Timing Again Gord ! - which might have something to do with Britain's growing dependence on Russian energy supplies, and Geoff Hoon has embarked upon a failed coup at home. Now Hoon is described as inconsequential by his former comrades in the Cabinet, but wasn't this the man who as former Secretary of State for Defence helped lead Britain into the Iraq War ? In fact, isn't he due to give evidence to The Iraq Inquiry, along with former Prime Minister Tony Blair ?

Given the leadership problems, past and present, of New Labour and the need for a new politics of pluralism in Britain, might I suggest the following political strategy to the Liberal-Democrats in the run-up to the General Election :
  1. A Partnership with Labour in which Vince Cable is identified as Leader
  2. A Partnership with the Conservatives in which Vince is prospective Chancellor

This is the kind of new special relationship we need on the domestic front, and there's nothing like a cold, clear snowy day for some blue sky thinking.

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