Monday, April 28, 2014


Having signed up for a Coursera Mooc (Massive Open Online Course) entitled "Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication" I've been wondering whether this course may be too highbrow and time-consuming, on the one hand, or the ideal opportunity to engage in a timely critical discourse, given the Ukraine-Russia crisis, on the other. Fortunately the need to make an immediate decision is unnecessary because an email from course leader, Mira Bergelson from the Higher School of Economics, earlier today informed me that: "May 1 through May 9 is Russian big holiday time. That’s why we had to postpone the course for two weeks altogether." Let's hope this message is also received by Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine. A week's break to celebrate "The Day of Spring and Labour", which might extend to the release of peace observers and others recently taken prisoner, would be very welcome just now.

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